Energy Follows Thought

posted in: The Timeless Now | 2

Powerful, gentle, and potent tidbits for elevation and clearing the mind… Following are a few of the many awareness-provoking thoughts I keep on sticky notes all around me. Some come from books or conversations, others from direct perception. This is … Continued

This Being Human

posted in: The Timeless Now | 0

It is confusing to be human. It would be simple if we could only remember that we are divine, eternal Beings, living extensions of creative consciousness itself. But being human is far more complex than that, because each of us … Continued

Aramaic Awakenings

posted in: The Timeless Now | 0

Perhaps a portal has opened recently, putting us into direct contact with times, places and ideas that had seemed lost in history. If you could walk through such a portal into direct contact with any of the great Mahatmas, the … Continued