Unity Prayer
This is offered as a composite of First Nations Prayer and my own devotional perceptions. Please feel free to change and flow with this – to make it your own. It may evolve each time it arises in your consciousness. Offered in your own form, your own way, it can help to immerse you in the awareness of unity.
We are all One. I bow to All. All are Family. (From the Lakota A’ho Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ, we are all related.)
To the great Mineral Nation, I bow. To all forms in the quantum world, arising into form in all corners of every universe, I bow. To all arising directly from the mouth of God to create every form body in all known and unknown worlds, I bow in deepest reverence and gratitude for your many gifts and for making existence possible. We are one, we are family. A’ho Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ.
To the great Plant Nation, I bow. Seeing you arise from the Mineral World in vast profusion on this and countless other worlds, I bow. In reverence and gratitude for your countless gifts of beauty and bounty and shelter and food and air to breathe, I bow. We are one. We are family. A’ho Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ.
To the great Animal Nation, I bow. Watching you arise in a cornucopia of forms and types of consciousness and beauty on this and countless other worlds, I bow. In unspeakable honor for your presence. In gratitude for your many gifts as teachers, companions, fellow earth travelers, and for your grace as sustainers of life and form, I bow. We are one. We are family. A’ho Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ.
To the great Human Nation, I bow. Witnessing you arise in the great story of conscious evolution, I bow. Seeing you arise in the role of alchemist linking form and the One Creator, I bow. Seeing your potential and the beauty of your heart, I bow. Seeing all you can be as creative and loving bridges of the many worlds, I bow. We are one. We are family. A’ho Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ.
To the energies of the East, I bow
To the energies of the South, I bow.
To the energies of the West, I bow.
To the energies of the North, I bow.
To all that lies beneath us, I bow.
To all that lies above us, I bow.
To the Center within, I bow
To the great Spirit Nation, I bow. Perceiving your constant powerfully loving, presence in, among, and as all things and all beings, I bow. Seeing your many forms of outpouring love made manifest in and around us, I bow. Seeing you create the will of the Divine in all the form worlds, I bow. We are one. We are family. A’ho Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ.
To the Great Spirit, the Absolute, I bow. I bow. I bow.
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